AIR & PEACE MUSIC Ambient Impro MicroFreakEurorack Neutron ModelD TipTopQZ Semi Generative

Real time, ambient analog modular jam / impro with #MicroFreak 2 Doepfer A118/2 Random Gen & 2 Synthotek M/DIV clocks Quantisers: TipTop AQ & Doepfer A156 Behringer #Neutron #ModelD 305 mixer #Sequential960 Strymon #BlueSky – recorded on #ZoomQ2n4k Composed, Filmed, Performed © Gary P Hayes in Mount Victoria, Blue Mountains, Australia (where most of the aerial was shot too) Patch Overview: It is easy to describe here than in the video 1 Two carefully set Doepfer A118-2 Noise/Random/S&H modules using the sample and hold feature (triggered by the M/Div clock dividers) are CV melodically driving the Neutron and ModelD. 2 To make it melodic the TipTop Quantizer is converting to a loose Am scale for the Neutron and the Doepfer A156 to a pentatonic Am scale for the ModelD 3 The main clock pulse is actually coming from the Sequential 960 using anyone of the 3 tracks which are randomly switched by the other random output of a used A118. Track 3 of the 960 is also sending partly rhythmic pulses, so a mix of crotchets and quavers, not random but with random track switching it can appear so. 4 The 960 triggers feed both M/Div clocks to give me 4 clocks to play with. One is sending random upward random ratchet gates to the Model D and the other downward random ratchet gates to the Neutron. 5 There are also other subtleties like an attenuated random sent to the LFO of the neutron to provide some variable cutoff on it’s in built LFO. 6 Performance wise I am obviously playing a stringy line on the MicroFreak but also adjusting the mix of oscs on each synth as well as envelope and filter. I am also constantly tweaking the red and blue noise on both A118s which has the effect of a larger volume of random or a variable note range too. I sometimes switch to a flattened 7th on the Doepfer 156 (set to a C major scale, so added Bb here and there) Finally the TipTop scale octave is on the slider so I am constantly adjusting that, finally finally the tempo from the 960 is constantly adjusted too. Any questions in comments!

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