The Volca’s are having a little rest this weekend, also I am making them more modular (so I can mix and match smaller configs of them for outdoor use) so … I have had an Analog 4 mk1 since they came out back in 2013, and even had two of them for a few years. But it kinda got buried a little in my dawless studio. So literally got this mk2 yesterday and loving the ergonomics of it… this is the 3rd little loop jam I did with it. Rather than use a track for bass drum and of course it is only 4 voice poly, so I added the Volca Kick and Arturia MicroFreak to build out the piece. Continuous live dawless jam / improvisation Composed & Performed © Gary P Hayes in Mount Victoria Blue Mountains Australia on Elektron #AnalogFour mk2 Korg #VolcaKick & Arturia #MicroFreak directly recorded on #ZoomH6 no other processing