Most recent images from Gary’s Flickr stream Click on ‘photographs’ tab above for a growing number of themed sets.
[justified_image_grid flickr_photostream=94632411@N00]
Most recent images from Gary’s Flickr stream Click on ‘photographs’ tab above for a growing number of themed sets.
[justified_image_grid flickr_photostream=94632411@N00]
Hi Gary
thank you for leaving a comment today on the Protect Gardens of Stone FB page. Your suggestion makes a lot of sense.
We are a small group of volunteers and are chronically short of time, responding to submissions etc.
If you are able to help, eg organise a group of photographers/artists, we could arrange for them to be taken to the Gardens of Stone.
Let me know what you think.
I would love to go
I would love to come how much will it cost?